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By 欣建築2015/11/19
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圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

在公墓中的管理中心該呈現出怎樣的外觀與氛圍呢?來看看這例子吧。由澳洲建築師事務所GHD Woodhead為墨爾本南方都市墓地基金會(Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust)所設計的碳中和功能與行政管理中心建築-克拉倫斯•里爾登中心(The Clarence Reardon Centre)就座落於Springvale植物園公墓(Springvale Botanical Cemetery)中心。克拉倫斯•里爾登中心令人印象深刻的便是其上層可映射出四周茂盛綠景的雙層高反光玻璃圍幕外牆,同時這樣的設計更能有效地對抗當地的極端氣候。





克拉倫斯•里爾登中心除了有令人印象深刻的外立面設計外,事務所更想讓它被視為是當地綠色建築的模範,在一個地球(One Planet)的環境評級制度下設計出碳中和的建築。除了高性能的雙層玻璃幕牆外立面外,克拉倫斯•里爾登中心也擁有著可收集雨水和太陽能的開放式屋頂;懸臂式的上層量體可減少一樓處強烈陽光的直射,並讓二樓空間能有更佳的景觀視野。在西立面,建築物的雙層玻璃幕牆與樓板一同設計為如鋸齒狀的外立面以減少西晒時直射的陽光,並在夕陽時分創造出如萬花筒般的反射綠景。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders

圖片說明:圖片提供/Martin Saunders










GHD 事務所
編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/GHD






Article source:

GHD-The Clarence Reardon Centre

Leading multi-disciplinary design firm GHD Woodhead has recently completed a new carbon-neutral function centre and administrative headquarters for Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, a major metropolitan cemeteries trust in Melbourne, Australia. Situated in the heart of Springvale Botanical Cemetery, the Clarence Reardon Centre was designed to sit in harmony with its lush botanical context. The mass of the upper floor is clad in highly-reflective double-glazing, allowing it to not only perform well in the harsh Australian climate but also cloak itself in the imagery of its natural setting rather than compete with it. The building’s long, smooth and ephemeral form catches and continues the colours and shapes of the surrounding sky and tree canopies, shifting and changing as time passes and weather turns – a simple homage to the beautiful yet transitory patterns of life.

The centre is a mixed-use building that contains 7 flexible function rooms, a commercial kitchen, staff canteen, café and florist on the ground floor while the client’s head offices occupy 1800 m2 of openplan office space on the first floor. Sited within the cemetery’s central precinct, it serves as a focal point connecting the cemetery’s various centres of activity – these include existing chapels to the west, a newly-refurbished customer-facing centre to the south-east and maintenance facilities immediately to the north. The building allows for the consolidation of much of the client’s workforce under a single roof and forms a critical component of the cemetery’s medium-term business and environmental design strategy.

In deference to the sensitive nature of the cemetery’s operations and ambience, the building’s material palette is deliberately neutral and timeless, emphasizing the raw colours and textures of high quality in-situ concrete, glass, bluestone and local timbers. Great emphasis was placed on the permeation of natural daylight into and views out of interior spaces via full-height perimeter glazing and generous clerestory lighting from above. Generous bluestone-paved pedestrian spaces and a large timber outdoor deck create a seamless street-level experience, and embrace a centuries-old gum tree to the south-east.

On the ground floor, the supporting structure of the building was carefully refined and optimised –concrete columns were shaped to form housings for operable wall panels, and a sweeping feature column serves not only to signify entry and address but also support a large overhanging portion of the upper floor on the south-east. In this way, the substantial upper mass of the building appears to float and dissolve into its environment, reducing its visual impact.

In addition to its impressive panoramic exterior, the Clarence Reardon Centre was envisioned to be a local leader of environmentally responsive architecture, designed to be carbon-neutral under the One Planet rating system. Aside from a high-performance double-glazed façade, the building leverages its large open roof area to harvest rainwater and solar energy. The upper volume of the building overhangs the ground floor to reduce glare and direct solar gain, allowing full-height double-glazing to front-of-house spaces that provide maximised views out into the landscape. On the western elevation, the building ‘s façade and floor plate break into faceted planes that direct vision glazing away from the harsh evening sun and create kaleidoscopic reflections of nearby tree lines silhouetted against the setting sun.

【More Information】


Editor/Andre  Photos/ Shannon McGrath

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Andre Su

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.
GHD綠建築The Clarence Reardon Centre
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