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她的視角|Diane Arbus的皮相獵影

By 欣攝影2017/03/21
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Arbus at the “New Documents” in 1967. Photo by Dan Budnik

圖片說明:Arbus at the “New Documents” in 1967. Photo by Dan Budnik

「你窺視過嗎?」美國攝影師Diane Arbus特別喜歡拍攝公眾目光看不見的人和世界的私密視界。其拍攝對象包括侏儒、 雙胞胎、天體營、扮裝癖者和畸人等。她大幅改變人們對「可允許拍攝的事物」的看法。她檢視世界而非詮釋世界,更小心翼翼地探索社會邊緣者,以及社會中心人士的視覺歧義(visual ambiguity)。 Diane說她只害怕自己的內心世界,從不害怕外在世界。她不過是想要幫「面貌或是故事打動她的人」拍照而已。若對Diane作品有興趣的人們,不妨可以看看2006年由Nicole Kidman主演的《皮相獵影》(Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus) ,相信可以瞭解更多。

Woman at a counter smoking, N.Y.C., 1962 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

圖片說明:Woman at a counter smoking, N.Y.C., 1962 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

Elderly couple on a park bench, N.Y.C. 1969 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

圖片說明:Elderly couple on a park bench, N.Y.C. 1969 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, N.Y.C., 1962 via artnet.com

圖片說明:Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, N.Y.C., 1962 via artnet.com

Two ladies at the automat, N.Y.C. 1966 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

圖片說明:Two ladies at the automat, N.Y.C. 1966 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

Two girls on the beach, Coney Island, N.Y. 1958 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

圖片說明:Two girls on the beach, Coney Island, N.Y. 1958 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

Veteran with a flag, N.Y.C. 1971 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

圖片說明:Veteran with a flag, N.Y.C. 1971 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

Kid in black-face with friend, N.Y.C. 1957 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

圖片說明:Kid in black-face with friend, N.Y.C. 1957 via https://fraenkelgallery.com

女攝影師female photographer人像攝影self-portraitsDiane Arbus她的視角
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