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Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos -博阿諾瓦教堂 世界盡頭重生

By 欣建築2015/01/29
article cover

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

教堂如中國的廟宇,不但是該地區的信仰聚集地,更常是生活圈的中心點。位於葡萄牙Estoril地區的博阿諾瓦教堂(Boa Nova Church)建設案,其基地位置曾被稱為是「世界的盡頭 End of the World」,也曾是該城市中最後一處貧民窟的所在。因此能讓該地區人民參與興建的過程便成了重點之一,也更能讓建設案順理成章地成為社區交流與永續經濟發展的中心。建築案中包括了一座白色教堂、一處能為貧民窟前居民提供工作機會及拖嬰服務的社區中心、一間小學及聚會場所。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

教堂與其他設施的興建不但為原本荒蕪無趣的景色中帶出新氣象,教堂獨特的白色高聳量體外形也成為了當地的顯眼地標。在基地的西側,設計團隊規劃出一處庭院用以連接原有的公共空間,並能透過深長的溪谷看見海景。如今,在設計團隊的改造下這處原本被稱為是「世界的盡頭」區域已被改稱為女士海灘或喜訊海灘(Senhora da Boa Nova or Our Lady of the Good News)。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

設計團隊相信,在空間的設計應以能傳達神聖莊嚴的氛圍為首要目的,同時透過這些建築物來呈現出二個主要的概念元素-庭院及教堂中的禮拜堂-一處能讓居民聚會的場所以及一處神聖的空間。團隊期望禮拜堂能創造出一種無限冥想的氛圍,因此在禮拜堂的規劃上也參照了以往著名藝術家及建築家如Bernini, Piranesi和Rachel Whiteread等人的作品風格。

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado


圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

圖片說明:圖片提供/Joao Morgado

圖片說明:概念圖;圖片提供/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:剖面圖;圖片提供/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:剖面圖;圖片提供/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:平面圖;圖片提供/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:剖面圖;圖片提供/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos 事務所



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos & Joao Morgado



圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

The site’s name was the “End of the World”. It was one of the city’s last slums. The project brief was determined through a participative process involving everyone in the local community in order to guarantee the project’s social and economical sustainability. The final brief included a church, a community centre (providing jobs and childcare to some of the slum’s former residents), a primary school and an auditorium.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

The local community set as one of the main goals the creation a new identity in order to rescue the site from its decade long negative stigma. To the East and South, anonymous suburban surroundings offered no interesting references; hence, we decided to design the church’s tower as an iconic reference.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

To the West, we designed a courtyard connecting to the city’s existing public spaces and opening to a steep valley offering distant seaside views. Today, the “End of the World” is known as Senhora da Boa Nova (or Our Lady of the “Good News”).

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

We believe designing sacred space should revolve around the ability to state the supremacy of the Void. Throughout the project’s development, the key conceptual elements were two empty spaces: the courtyard, a place where the community could meet; and the nave, a sacred space presenting that which could not be presented. We wished the nave to be an introspective, infinite, and irrepresentable space. In order to achieve this, we followed creative paths suggested by the works of Bernini, Piranesi and Rachel Whiteread.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

Today, the church stands within an elliptical plan, providing a dynamic sense of scale, and covered by an interior dome, eliminating the wall/ceiling division and spatial references within. The windows are deep, bringing indirect natural lighting into the nave and distancing the suburban surroundings, and the exterior walls curve to present an anthropomorphic object holding within the ilimited, infinite, and irrepresentable Void.

圖片說明:Courtesy by Joao Morgado

圖片說明:Sketch;Courtesy by Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:Section;Courtesy by Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:Section;Courtesy by Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:Plan;Courtesy by Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

圖片說明:Section;Courtesy by Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos

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Text Photos/Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos & Joao Morgado

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.