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Foster+Partners - 西班牙福斯蒂諾酒莊

By 欣建築2016/07/28
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圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

第一眼看到由著名建築師事務所Foster+Partners替英商Faustino集團(Faustino Winery)所設計的Bodegas Portia釀酒廠的三角外型時,不禁讓小編想到了同樣也是由這事務所所設計的科威特國際機場(Kuwait International Airport)。Bodegas Portia釀酒廠就位於西班牙著名的葡萄酒產區Ribera del Duero,同時也是Foster + Partners的第一座釀酒廠作品,也提供了一次機會讓該事務所能在了解釀酒事業時,再次呈現了將建築作品的設計理念融入當地自然地景之中的手法,並從製酒傳統中擷取建材靈感,選用橡木、鋼鐵 等為主要材料,使得建築量體如星艦迷航總部,促立在供應新鮮原料的大片葡萄園裡。在設計手法上事務所儘量創造出最佳的工作環境,並減少建築物對於能源的消耗,以及建築外型對於地景上的衝擊;在外立面上,釀酒廠則舖上了一片片的耐候鋼(Corten Steel)(一種合金鋼,在室外曝露幾年後能在表面形成一層相對比較致密的?層,因此不需要額外的油漆保護)。

占地12,500平方米的Bodegas Portia釀酒廠每年可生產約一百萬瓶的葡萄酒。而其被設計成如三葉狀的外型可是各有其功能性,也代表了釀酒的三個階段-有著排列整齊的鋼鐵大缸的發酵區、在氣勢磅礡的橡木桶地窖裡熟成,最後是瓶裝儲藏區-而三個區域的運作則由中央處的操作室來控制。為了能遵循釀酒古法,橡木桶地窖區與瓶裝儲藏區也特地讓量體逐漸地嵌進地表下的陰涼地底,而發酵區則曝露於地表上讓發酵時產生的二氧化碳能排放於空氣中。在逐漸地嵌進地表下的橡木桶地窖區與瓶裝儲藏區二個量體中,有趣地出現了二條可讓車子從地表直通至中央區頂樓的道路,這則是方便讓熟成的葡萄以自然重力方式倒入於釀酒廠內的貯液槽,而這樣的方式也可保持葡萄在處理時最佳的完整性。

如此設計的Bodegas Portia釀酒廠可是還有其他的功能性。由於Ribera del Duero地區有著極塞冷冬季及少雨的夏季氣候,在三葉狀的量體設計下可提供屋內涼爽的溫度,屋頂上裝設的太陽能板提供了額外能源,大量體的混凝土也有著保溫的效果,這些設計皆可減少空調的使用;而逐漸隱沒入地表下的設計則讓釀酒廠的外型不致於對當地的地景產生太大的衝擊。

對於遊客來說,Bodegas Portia釀酒廠在空間的設計上還有著另一重點,那便是一處昇起且明亮的公共夾層空間,讓遊客們能觀看釀酒時的製程情形。在各量體間則為明亮的接待處及管理中心,頂樓則是一處大片露台及水池。釀酒廠雖有著新穎的設計手法,事務所也特地在公共空間中以舊的釀酒桶木條片加以裝飾,製造出讓遊客能沈浸在傳統酒廠中的氛圍,並讓遊客們就能直接在橡木桶區旁享受品酒的樂趣。

設計師Foster也給了他對Bodegas Portia釀酒廠設計時的想法:「Bodegas Portia是我們第一個釀酒廠的設計案,因此並不了解傳統的釀酒程序與做法。也因此我們開始了解傳統的釀酒程序開始並試著從中發想出設計的方向。在傳統的釀酒過程中尋找想使用的建築元素,讓公共空間更貼近地景,創造出讓遊客更獨特的品酒體驗。」

*福斯蒂諾酒莊是西班牙里?哈(Rioja)產區的著名的酒莊之一,座落於該產區的里?哈-阿拉維薩(Rioja Alavesa)的中心位置。該酒莊出產多個品牌的葡萄酒,在國內外的市場的品牌名稱包括了鄧恩•福斯蒂諾(Don Faustino)、福斯蒂諾七世(Faustino VII)、福斯蒂諾五世(Faustino V)和福斯蒂諾一世(Faustino I)。
圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片提供/Nigel Young

圖片說明:圖片提供/Nigel Young










>Foster + Partners 事務所

>Foster + Partners-世上最大阿拉伯購物中心 阿布達比中央市場

>Foster + Partners-馬賽舊港整體規劃 Marseille’s Vieux Port

>福斯特「建築的藝術」 建築新世代分享國際經驗

>融入城市的最高法院 Supreme Court Singapore
編輯/蘇琨峰  圖片/Nigel Young



一隻喜愛新事物也對舊事物固執的牡羊。台北工專土木工程科、雲林科技大學營建工程結構組畢業,工作後決定離職前往澳洲再度充實自己並一圓留學夢,畢業於墨爾 本大學經濟與商業研究所,主修商業與資訊管理。喜歡看建築、旅行探險、攝影、網球、及擔任爵士樂團薩克斯風手。目前為《欣建築/國際脈動》編譯、文字記者、辦理欣建築國外旅遊及國際領隊
Editor Andre

圖片說明:Editor Andre

Article source

Bodegas Portia is a new winery for the Faustino Group in the Ribera del Duero, one of Spain’s foremost wine-producing regions. The project is Foster + Partners first winery and was an opportunity to look afresh at the building type, using the natural topography of the site to aid the winemaking process and create the optimum working conditions, while reducing the building’s energy demands and its visual impact on the landscape.

The 12,500 square-metre facility has a production capacity of one million bottles per year. The building’s trefoil design expresses the three main stages of production: fermentation in steel vats; ageing in oak barrels; and finally, ageing in bottles. These are controlled by an operations hub at the core. The wings containing the barrels and bottle cellar are partly embedded into the ground to produce the most favourable environmental conditions for ageing the wine, while the fermentation wing is exposed, allowing carbon dioxide to be released. A road rises to the roof of the building, where the harvested grapes are delivered straight into the hopper: the winery is designed to take advantage of the sloping terrain, using gravity to aid movement of the grapes within the building, maximising efficiency and minimising damage to the grapes. The concrete structure is clad in shingles of Corten steel.

The site in the Ribera del Duero, approximately 150 kilometres north of Madrid, has extremely cold winters, as well as hot summers with limited rainfall. The deep overhang of the roof canopy provides shade and the building is designed to regulate the internal temperatures, at the same time as reducing energy demand. By partly embedding the building within the landscape, its visual impact is minimised and the passive environmental benefits are maximised – the roof incorporates photovoltaic cells and the thermal mass of the concrete structure helps to control interior temperatures.

At the heart of the winery a raised public gallery extends into glazed mezzanine areas, which project deep into each wing, allowing visitors to enjoy elevated views of the different processes. Between the wings is a light-filled public reception and administration area, where extensive terraces and pools of water overlook the vineyards. Lined with deep-stained old wine barrel slats, the public areas are designed to evoke the rich tradition of winemaking in the region.

Lord Foster said:

“Bodegas Portia is our first winery, so we had no preconceptions about how it should work. It was an opportunity to start from first principles – to examine the different stages of wine production and to try to create the ideal conditions for them to unfold. The wine was the starting point, as well as the beautiful setting in Ribera del Duero. Using materials that draw on the region’s winemaking traditions, with public spaces open to the landscape, will enhance the visitor experience.”


【More Information】
>Foster + Partners

>Abu Dhabi Central Market

>Norman Forster-Boundlessness!

>Art of Architecture Taiwan 

>Foster + Partners-Marseille’s Vieux Port

>Supreme Court Singapore
Editor/Andre Photos/Nigel Young  

More architecture works abroad, here you go 【International】

More architecture projets, here you go 【Xin Archi】
Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, organizer of architectural tours and international tour leader.
Foster+Partners西班牙福斯蒂諾酒莊Faustino Winery
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